Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Sunday 30 June 2024

Sunday 30 June 2024 - Val Fedoz (Europe Day 13)

We had a lie-in and a late breakfast as Markus, our TGO Challenger friend, wasn't due to arrive until 10:30. He duly turned up after a 5:30 start in Dornbirn, then travel by train and e-bike, and we had a most enjoyable day in his company. 

We had chosen a walk through the woods to Val Fedoz on this cloudy day. Sue and Markus are pictured above outside our hotel before the walk, and below is a view through the woods before we reached Pretpreir.

Pretpeir is at 1991 metres (Sils is at about 1800), and we enjoyed a rather late elevenses on a bench before continuing into Val Fedox.

There were good views into the mountains beyond the valley, and we continued along the path as far as a couple of bridges over the torrent, which was full of snow melt.

The view ahead was of rain in the mountains beyond Lake Silsersee, and we donned waterproofs for a few unnecessary minutes when the storm passed nearby.

Lunch was taken on a bench on the descent path that headed towards Maloja. There were excellent views.

Eventually we reached a gravel road near the bottom of the hill, where we turned right to reach a friendly café at Isola.

The glacial torrent passes very close to some of the nearby properties. 

Sue and I posed on the lovely woodland path beyond Isola.

Shortly before the village of Segl Maria was reached, we passed a museum piece.

Here's our route. The 'Ride with GPS' App that Collett's are using for the first time this year seems to have got the stats a bit awry (probably a user defect!). We actually walked about 14km, with 400 metres ascent, taking 5.5 hours including some lengthy stops.

We enjoyed the evening with Markus after briefly meeting four new Collett's guests who we will no doubt get to know 'later'.

Here are a few flower pictures from today:

Mountain Houseleek

Frog Orchid 

Another Frog Orchid

Small White Orchid

Beakless Red Lousewort 

Mileage: 0 (Cum: 1160)
Garmin: 14.0km, 418 metres ascent


AlanR said...

Absolutely wonderful.

bowlandclimber said...

Word Press has been keeping your posts secret from me. I wondered where you were. I now know and am catching up. The alpenrose are spectacular.

Phreerunner said...

Interesting, BC, page views seem to have gone down recently so maybe you are not the only one. Anyway, it's good to hear from you, and hopefully we'll meet up soon.