Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Monday 1 July 2024

Monday 1 July 2024 - Via Engiadina (Europe Day 14)

After saying our goodbyes to Markus and wishing him well on his bike ride to Zernez, we caught a bus for the 14 minute journey to Maloja, on the other end of Lake Silsersee. 

Before embarking on our walk proper, we walked up to the Belvedere Castle. I may add more about its history later. [I can't find anything about it!]

There's a splendid view to the east from the castle - a reminder of how high we are in the Sils area (1800 metres or so).

On the paths around the castle are a number of circular holes formed by meltwater from a glacier where it has spun around with sand and debris to wear away the rock.

This 'glacial pothole' still has snow at its base.

This one just has a deep pool.

After this 2.5km meander, we joined the Via Engiadina route out of Maloja. We were soon looking back down to the town from today's short section of the long distance route.

A splendid waterfall caught the eye.

The visibility was OK, but dark clouds hinted that the Swiss Meteo forecast might be correct. "Rain from 12 noon to 1pm."

As the skies darkened, we climbed up to 2000 metres, passing a herd of very relaxed cattle.

At Blaunca we encountered a comprehensive signpost before continuing along our route.

Next stop: Heidi town, aka Grevasalvas, the Swiss village where 'Heidi' was filmed.

By now it had started to drizzle. We walked on for a few minutes before sheltering under an overhang whilst we enjoyed our lunch. The predicted rain had arrived bang on time.

We enjoyed the confined space and tried to cheer up some bedraggled walkers from both directions.

There were better overhangs further along the path, but we stayed dry and happy until it was time to continue along the excellent belvedere path. 

Eventually we came to a closed section of path that Taea and Arabella had warned us about. From there we simply headed down the open path and back to Sils before 3pm.

Here's my last picture from the descent, towards the Sils end of Lake Silsersee. 

We had walked 11.6km, with 449 metres ascent, in around 5 hours. There followed a relaxing afternoon and evening, with more Collett's guests arriving (four arrived yesterday) and a welcome party with wine, organised by the hotel. We need to decide what to do tomorrow, but first, here are a few of today's flowers. 

Golden Cinquefoil


Cyprus Spurge

Dark Mullein


Lesser Butterfly Orchid

Common Butterwort

Mileage: 0 (Cum: 1160)
Garmin: 11.6km, 449 metres ascent

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