After the recent snow and ice and mud, it was pretty much ideal conditions at Wythenshawe for run number 602. I walked round with Andy W and finished in position 320 out of 349 finishers. 41:41 was my quickest this year. The troublesome knee has been frightened into submission by receiving news that the NHS has fixed a session for it to be looked at imminently by an eminent specialist knee surgeon.
The usual gang adjourned to the tearoom and soon set to work on sorting the 349 bar code tokens into order, before bumping into Viv and Steve, and heading off for lunch.
Full results are here. I just took these two pictures at the start.
Sunday morning saw me volunteering at the cool turnaround point on the 2km/5km Wythenshawe Community Run.
There were a couple of guys manically dashing round the course ahead of everyone. They were still going after everyone else had finished. "We've done 16 miles so far"... puff ..."training for a marathon."
The leaders come flying past the point where the 2km runners turn round.
Then it gets congested for a while, especially with today's 139 participants.
There's nearly a crash as someone slows down to take the corner after 1km, when most the people around him were speeding on along the 5km route.
All very jolly, and it's nice to know that the volunteering is appreciated.
This was after a lovely 'Friday = Isabella Day 83' - spent at Jump Heaven and Timperley with our fun to be with granddaughter.
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