Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019

Sue and Martin in Mallorca 2019
On the Archduke's Path in Mallorca

Monday 12 April 2021

Lechtal Alps Backpack - Day 14 - Wild camp near Ravensburger Hutte to wild camp near Freiburger Hutte

                                   The view north from Stierlochjoch

Friday 25 July 1980 - diarist: Colin - Near Ravensburger Hutte to Formarinsee near Freiburger Hutte 

This morning began with little men hammering pitons into my brain. I was glad to find that I was not suffering alone, and that other expedition members were suffering from last night's excessive consumption - we must stick to one packet of 'Rise and Shine' in future. 

(An alternative explanation involving the red wine, beer, kirsch and schnapps, seems much less plausible.) 

Breakfast was prepared in the usual manner but was notable for the excellent new improved muesli (with bird seed) and the portion of Austrian camembert which went astray and needed to be retrieved with an ice axe. 

The usual chores completed, we set off over the Stierlochjoch (translation note: this literally means 'the bull's hole' pass). The journey was slowed by the rapid effect of the extra bran in today's breakfast, haemorrhaging of the nasal passages, and the photogenic nature of the local flora. The journey down to Zug was along a pleasantly wooded path, and judging by the number of touroids heading in the opposite direction - very popular.

The view down the Stierloch valley

In the Lech valley near Zug

Having no need of further provisions, we spurned a visit to the vast metropolis of Zug and headed off in a westerly direction along the Lech. A suitably shaded spot was found, and luncheon was served.

'Jingle Bells'

Nick ascends the valley

Martin's early attempts to photograph Alpine flowers
- things have moved on since then

Spring Gentian, Trumpet Gentian (Dave's favourite), Bird's-eye Primrose,
Alpine Moon Daisy, Long-spurred Pansy

Looking towards the Freiburger Hutte (1918m) from Formarin Alp

After lunch, we set off up the valley at our own pace, arriving at the Freiburger Hutte over a period of some 20 to 25 minutes. Bier, Schiewasser und Ein Orangen were gratefully consumed and we set off to our campsite beside Formarinsee, and in the rocks around us we can see the band of red rock which gives the Rote Wande its name.

Campsite at Formarinsee

As Nick wrings out his socks, the sweet and sour chicken soaks, and RMP clunks over the prostrate form of Dave, I shall close today's diary entry with my thanks to everyone for an extremely enjoyable two weeks. Personally my vote for the most memorable day goes to the Memminger - Ansbacher day, for its variety of scenery, some pioneering, and schnee, schnee, schnee! 

Nick adds: PS, Colin missed out Nick's admiration of an American girl's unfettered 'bits'; see earlier reference to her husband's underpants; she thought the snow was 'really scary' (read with an appropriate US accent).

Rote Wand (2704m) from our campsite

Today's route - 17 km with 500 metres ascent

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